Saturday, September 13, 2008

Music Festival

Tonight I went to a music festival called Hard Working Class Heroes in the Temple Bar district of Dublin. The bands were all Irish and there were several venues with different acts throughout the night. My friend Peter and I saw The Holy Roman Army first which was a lowfi mello electronica stuff that wasn't that great, but all the other bands were good. I would suggest looking up Hybrasil, Bats, Halves, The Minutes, and Fight Like Apes. Fight Like Apes was crazy and they ended up totaling the stage at the end of their set, which I've only heard about but never seen until now.

My first week at the Gaiety is over and some of the stress of it has worn off, but I was pretty nervous at first. Classes seem good so far and once we get past some of the basics I'm sure it will pick up. All my teachers are Irish, and the ones teaching my acting classes are Gaiety instructors. We will integrate with Irish students in October, but until then it is just us.

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